Silent hunter 3 renown cheat
Silent hunter 3 renown cheat


Corrected position of emblem on IX/1 towers Corrected position of NE watchman on IX/3 watch tower (was hovering 30cm over the deck) Corrected position of balkon gerat on type IX Raised DF antennas and made them rotate Added Shift R key command to raise and lower radar Implemented Anvart's method for raising/lowering radars (Fumo30/61/64), modified to also include the Fumo29 Corrected and updated French and German translations Corrected funnels/smoke alignment for NDE_FTboot, NATF, NLTF, ATug and NHPB Reduced likelyhood of "one hit" bow and stern sinkings Altered dates for Lorient to reflect it was still in German hands till 2 days AFTER the end of the war - removed Allied shipping that appears Sep 1944 Removed fin flash from generic Hurricane Improved aircraft markings for America, Britain, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Ireland, South Africa and Yugoslavia Added generic roundel fix for P38, Arado, Walrus, Hudson A-28, Hudson Mk.3 and Wellington Replaced duplicate Westerwaldlied gramophone track with Lili Marlen'


Corrected implementation of Integrated Orders optional mod Altered line in Crew/Body/Body01/Ranks.ini to correct rank placement Type XXI exit date changed to 1945 from 2006 Elco and Schnellboot armament altered to change throughout war Added historical British depot ships to various ports at historical times. Changed torp layout for VIIC 42 - had homers Nulled weapons on NCHT, NECT and NAMM - floating in air Changed dates on Q class DD and altered campaign files to suit - 19411006 start date Changed dates on S class DD and altered campaign files to suit - 19420826 start date Changed dates on Hunt I and altered campaign files to suit - Hunt I will now show after 23 March 40 Changed dates on Flower corvette and altered campaign files to suit - Flower will now show after 05 April 40

silent hunter 3 renown cheat

Changed dates on Type36A and altered campaign files to suit - Type36A will now show after 11 Jan 40 - This date is for the first Type36A which wasn't the Type36A (mob) which the model represents - EnglishNames altered to show Type36A as the French and German already did Changed date on KGV class BB to historic and amended campaign files to suit Removed PCTrawler and NHPB from Hungary roster Removed FW-200 Condor from Hungary roster Added Hudson MK.3 and P38 to Portugal roster Added NCHT, NRC, ATug and NECT to Russian roster Added NRC and NECT to Australian roster Added Hudson Mk.3 to Australian roster and changed entry in smallairbase AU - removed redundant Hudson Mk.2 Changed AMM so won't spawn in convoys unless scripted to do so Moved SC convoys from Apr 1942 to Oct 1942 to go through the Bell Straits Added some submerged German AI uboats around British coast Added some subnets to docked British Battleships Moved naval bases to allow starts from all friendly bases Adjusted LND so ports of Rendsburg/Gotenhafen and Kiel2 now appear on map ingame Altered Kiel canal auto waypoints to avoid Holtenau - also moved more to canal centre to avoid couple of reported collisions Reinstated port of Cherbourg and added scripted docked ships and random patrols Reinstated port of Calais and added scripted docked ships and random patrols Reinstated port of Helsinki and added scripted docked ships and random patrols Scripted static Egyptian shipping in Alexandria and Port Said as well as patrols on the Red Sea/Suez


Scripted static Honduras shipping in home port plus a few US ports Added some Egyptian ships to Med convoys with low spawn rates Added random shipping routes for Honduras around Florida/New Orleans area Added port of Peurto Castilla for Honduras Added random US patrols to Panama canal Added random patrols of British Destroyers during Dunkirk Added scripted patrols of neutral aircraft - Spain/Portugal and Ireland Added random patrols to Dunkirk and Longyearby as well as Black Sea ports of Poti and Suchumi Hurricanes no longer show bombs before 1941 Increased air coverage in the Biscay area from 43 onwards

silent hunter 3 renown cheat

Updated Flaggenbuch - now includes all in-game countries and their flags


Updated Recognition Manual covers for various countries Corrected erroneous flags - Venezuela, Uruguay, Finland and various others

silent hunter 3 renown cheat

Added two new countries - Egypt and Honduras with associated Sea and Air units

Silent hunter 3 renown cheat